

Dani is Austrian. I m french. We speak english, french (what a surprise!) and german. My spanish is a joke. Dani can speak Arabic too.

I m skipper of Wild Baleine, together with Dani.

A few words about us:
Dani lived n Austria in Africa, and in Hong-Kong
I lived in France, Austria and Hong-Kong.
We met in Austria.

We sail together since 2019.

I learned sailing with Glenans sailing school, in Bretagne, with no engine, no GPS, no WC, … just some kind of old wooden sailingboats, doing harbor manoeuver on sails. We had winch: that was our luxus.
With Glénans sailing schoool, I was able to participate to some race training between England and France.
Later I rented boat with friends, and later with my kids. Till I bought a few year ago, my own first Boat: a cruising catamaran, my aim was to give security to my kids while enjoying sailing.

Lately I skipped my new Fountaine Pajot from La Rochelle (F) till Athen (Gr) through Gilbraltar. 3 weeks of great adventure, 2.559 miles. I wish I could do it again, but with more time, and enjoy the coast.

I have an austrian sailing licence typ IV (off shore: no limit to the shore). I m going to training on maintenance, survival, … A training is not making me a specialist, but i have a better undertanding of the matter.

I have been sailing in situation that can be considered as heavy. I m not looking for such situation. Even if one can handle it, and even enjoy somehow the situation, it is also about the security of the crew, of the boat or of others boats & crews, to be taken into consideration. Even on a catamaran, getting out of the harbour can develop to a difficult situation. And outside at see, it can be funny, it can be dangerous too.

So even if I can cope with such situtation, as a skipper responsable for crew and boat, I prefer to avoid getting into such situation at first. All the more: we don’t know the way the weather is going to be. So the situation now, is not the situation later. On the sea, we have to be prepare in case it is getting worth, and hoping it will get better.

There is lot of wind in sommer in Greece. Every body want to get out and sail. But it is sometime better to stay in, and enjoy a drink in the harbour or on anchor, or do some shopping or visiting. This decision to sail or not to sail is the skipper’s decision. It is not an easy one. If a windy day is too windy, for sailing, there is no refund, even if others are going out. Please respect the skipper’s decision. It is a matter of responsablility against the crew, the boat, the others crew and boats that can get involved.
Sailing is a great experience. The skipper is there as for you to secure the enjoyment of this experience.

On my boat, or on others boat, I wish you a nice and smooth holidays, while sailing.


It was an other Boat, but still, this is a way of sailing a catamaran.

